1. Parents & Community
  2. General Information

General Information


School Opening Hours: 

Nursery - 8:30am-11:30am 12:15pm-3:15pm 

Reception-Year 6 8:40am-3:00pm. 


If your child is absent

  • Contact the school office on 01302 831824 on the first day of absence.
  • Children should not return to school within 48 hours of vomiting or having diarrhoea.
  • Children with chicken pox may return to school only when the spots have scabbed over or 5 days after the onset of the rash.

Please check your child regularly for head lice

Monies in school:

Dinner Money

Dinners cost £3.00 per meal for children in years Nursery & 3-6. Meals are free for children in Reception – Year 2. Dinner money should be paid weekly in advance. Alternatively, dinner money may be paid at the beginning of each half term. All payments should be made on Parentpay. If you wish to change from dinners to a packed lunch we will require a two week notice given to the office. 

Trip Money:

Trip money should be paid on Parentpay by the deadline given by school.

Please delete this Children need to change their outdoor footwear once in school to black pumps.

Milk in School:

All children in school can receive milk. Parents who wish their children to have milk in school should apply and pay via the “Cool Milk Scheme” at www.coolmilk.com. Through the scheme, children receive free milk until their 5th birthday.

 Breakfast Club: 

Our Breakfast Club runs Mon-Fri 7:30am-8:40am. Children are provided with a balanced breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere. Breakfast Club costs £2.50 per day. Payments can be made via Parent Pay. 

After-School Club: 

We currently offer the following After-School clubs and these run Mon-Thurs 3:00pm-4:00pm: 

Monday - KS1 Multi-Skills 

Tuesday - Cre8ive Dance 

Wednesday - Fitness 

Thursday - KS2 Multi-Skills 

Payment for these can be made via parent pay and these are offered to the respective Year Groups on a first come, first served basis! 

School Uniform:

Please label all your child’s clothing with their name as the school cannot accept responsibility for any losses.

For boys:

  • Southfield sweatshirt, Cardigan or Fleece
  • Blue sweatshirt, white or pale blue polo shirt, grey trousers or school shorts.

For girls:

  • Southfield sweatshirt, Cardigan or Fleece
  • Blue sweatshirt or cardigan, white or pale blue polo shirt, grey trousers, skirt or pinafore.
  • Blue striped or checked summer dress.

Sensible black shoes should be worn (no trainers, high heels or flip flops).



Only watches and religious bangles may be worn.  All other jewellery must be removed for safety, including earrings. No nail varnish or temporary tattoos may be worn. No sculptured hair styles.


PE uniform (all jewellery and watches must be removed)

For indoors:

  • White T-shirt and black shorts (not cycling shorts)

For outdoors:

  • White T-shirt and black shorts, trainers/pumps, socks. Black, blue or grey jogging suit/ sweatshirt if cold.

For swimming (Year 5 only):

  • Swimming costume for girls (no bikinis), swimming trunks for boys (no shorts)
  • Swimming caps may be worn



The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Nicola Worthington, Head Teacher . The Deputy Safeguarding Officers are Mrs Nicola O'Hanlon and Mrs Susie Hogg.  

Pastoral Support 

Our Pastoral Team are Mrs Nicola O'Hanlon and Mrs Bridget Burkill. 

The aims of pastoral support at Southfield:

·        To provide support that meets the differing needs of all children so that each child is equipped with the skills to cope with life.

·        To support children to address social, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical needs.

·        To maintain an atmosphere in which children feel secure, are encouraged in their learning, growth and social development and know that they are valued within a healthy and safe environment.

·        To reassure parents/carers their children are being educated in a safe and nurturing environment.

·        To encourage pupils to recognise and reflect upon our Southfield values

·        Respect

·        Love

·        Honesty

·        Happiness

·        Kindness

·        Trust

·        Integrity

·        Tolerance

·        Resilience

·        Effort

·        To work with a range of stakeholders, parents, support staff, outreach agencies and other schools to ensure the continuity and progress of individual pupils.


The role of the Pastoral Support Team:

·        To support and work alongside parents in addressing pastoral concerns impacting on their child’s learning and development.

·        To work with staff in ensuring good pupil support and build upon the caring and respectful relationships that exist between staff, pupils and families.

·     Listening and talking to children who may need support in a variety of pastoral issues, for example, self-esteem and confidence, bereavement, managing feelings, anxieties/worries, separation and developing social and friendship skills.

·        Responding to situations as they arise within school.

·        Meeting with parents/carers to discuss issues relating to their child.

·        To ‘signpost’ families to outside services for appropriate provision and support, to liaise with and refer children to the With Me in Mind service (link to page) 



·        Pupils – any child in the school can ask to speak to our Pastoral Support Team or class teacher if they have a problem or a worry at school or at home. They can do this by either approaching the team or by asking a member of staff. A suitable time will then be arranged to meet.

Pupils - can talk to pupil well-being champions at play time or lunch time if they are feeling lonely or worried about something. 

·        Parents/carers – if you have a pastoral concern regarding your child then you can phone the school, speak to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to see Nic O’Hanlon either via the school office or directly on 07805033231. Alternatively you can email: nicola.o’hanlon@empoweringmindsmat.uk

·        School staff – a Cpom incident will be logged detailing the concern, a member of the pastoral team will respond with an appropriate action